Wont be long!
Phone :
+44 (0) 1223 625341
Address :
20 Station Rd, Cambridge CB1 2JD

Who Are We?
This website is provided by PARIO Marketing Ltd. The privacy of our website users and the security of their personal information is very important to us and this notice provides information about what we collect, how we use it and how long we keep it. PARIO complies with its obligations under applicable UK Data Protection Legislation (including the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018) by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by assuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.


We may change our privacy notice from time to time. If we make changes to this privacy notice we will post those changes on the homepage and other places deemed appropriate so that you are aware of what information we may collect. We reserve the right to modify this privacy notice at any time, so please review it frequently.


Third Party Websites
For your convenience, this website contains links to a number of other websites, both inside and outside of the agency (PARIO). The cookie, privacy policies and procedures described here do not apply to those sites; you will need to check those sites directly for information on their use of cookies, data collections and distribution policies.


What Personal Information Do We Collect?
PARIO will only collect personally identifiable data, such as your name or email address when it is voluntarily submitted to us at this website. PARIO will use this information to comply with your request for information or as otherwise disclosed to you when you submit your information. If you apply to us for any employment, the Recruitment Privacy Notice set out below will apply to your application.

PARIO does not knowingly collect personally identifiable data from children under the age of 13 and does not target its website to children under 13.  If you are under 13 and want to ask us a question or use the site in a way that means you have to provide any personal information, please get your parent or guardian to contact us or provide the information instead.


How Do We Use Your Personal Information?

To send you information, updates or newsletters if you ask to receive them.
Consent – We will only ever do this if you expressly consent to receive these communications. You can withdraw consent at any time.
Replying to questions you may ask us about PARIO.


Legal Basis For Processing
Consent – We will only ever do this if you expressly consent to receive these communications. You can withdraw consent at any time.
Legitimate interest – we need to be able to review your personal data to assess your suitability for a role and to be able to contact you throughout the process. You can withdraw from the process and withdraw your consent at any time during the recruitment.

To withdraw your consent from any of the above, please email [email protected]


How Long Do We Retain Your Personal Data?

Recruitment data will be retained in accordance with out Recruitment Privacy Notice.

All other personal data collected will only be kept as long as is strictly necessary and will always be deleted after two years unless we seek your consent to retain it longer.


We will not otherwise transfer any personally identifiable information you provide at this website to any other third party unless otherwise disclosed to you. We also reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information where necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or legal process served on this website.


Non-personal information collection and use
In common with many commercial organisations we monitor the use of this website by collecting aggregate information. We may automatically collect non-personal information about you such as the type of internet browsers you use, the pages you visit or the website which directed you to our site. You cannot be identified from this information and it is used only to assist us in providing an effective service on this website.


Use of cookies
Cookies are small files which are sent to your web browser and stored on your computer’s hard drive. This website uses ‘session cookies’ – temporary cookies remain in your browser until you leave the website. These are essential and allow you to carry information across our site without having to re-enter it; it also enables us to analyse web traffic and improve our online services. They cannot be used to identify you. You may set your web browser to notify you of cookie placement requests or to decline cookies completely. You can delete the files that contain cookies; those files are stored as part of your internet browser.


Security of your personal data
We have implemented technologies and policies with the objective of protecting your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use and will update these measures as appropriate as new technologies become available.


Access and corrections

You have a right to request access to personal data which is held about you on payment of a small fee. You also have the right to require any inaccuracies in your information to be corrected free of charge.


Who is responsible for personal information collected on this site?

If you have any questions about PARIO’s privacy notice or any personal data we may hold, please email [email protected]


Contact details
In processing your personal data for the purposes of recruitment, we act as a data controller. Our contact details are as follows:
Data Privacy Management, PARIO Marketing LTD, 20 Station Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 2JD


Diversity & Inclusion is incredibly important to us, and ensuring that our website is accessible is one of the many commitments that we are making.


Our commitment
We commit to developing a culture that cares about everyone who uses our digital services, regardless of ability, device or situation. We commit to creating a culture for designing solutions for everybody, without compromising on the enjoyment of using our products.

Our commitment starts with our own digital services such as PARIO.agency, and extends to when we work with our clients. We promise to make accessibility a founding element of all website projects.


PARIO - Cambridge

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